Checkmate Technical Solutions, Inc. is a technology installation and support provider based in San Diego County.
We help clients integrate immersive technology into everyday life.

Commercial Audiovisual Subcontracting Services

Checkmate helps commercial audiovisual integration companies of all sizes solve critical resource challenges by offering supplemental, subcontracted B2B services including installation, project management, and engineering support.

Our team brings more than 20 years of experience working for some of the largest commercial audiovisual integrators in the industry, so you can feel confident in having a trusted, reliable partner who understands your needs. We’ll help you deliver for your organization — and look good to your clients — on individual projects throughout San Diego and surrounding counties.


Our Expertise Includes:


Design Engineering & CAD

Checkmate is able to design corporate boardrooms, executive conference rooms, classrooms, classified video conference systems, command and control centers, and many other corporate, military, and educational audiovisual environments.

Certified with manufacturers including Crestron (DMC-D), Mitsubishi, Christie, Clearone, and Biamp



Our team handles all aspects of installing audiovisual systems, including rack fabrication, termination and connectivity, cable pulls, and installation of external components. We follow Avixa standards and can adapt to any companies customizations.

Certified Avixa CTS


Project Management

We can manage large, high-end commercial audiovisual projects for corporate and government clients. Checkmate practices milestone-based project management and understands risk assessment and AV-specific customer satisfaction.

Certified CAPM from the Project Management Institute (PMI)

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Service & Support

Checkmate troubleshoots complex hardware and software problems, employing complete understanding of signal flow and expertise in AV engineering. We can provide support for a single service call or on-site resources for long term needs.